Organizing for Action

Community Concerns within the Neighborhood

Below are some issues affecting residents of Saint Vincent's Hill and that the Coalition is working on resolving. Please click on the issue to find out more about the issue and how you can get involved and take action to help improve our neighborhood. If you have an issue that is affecting Staint Vincent's Hill, please use this linked form to let the Coalition know.



Who does it affect?

Currently there is a large and constant sex trade along Sonoma Blvd., centered primarily between Alabama and Florida Streets. Sex workers, pimps, and johns create an unhealthy and unsafe enviroment for residents and themselves.

Residents who are most highly impacted are those community members who live on the state street blocks just west of Sonoma Blvd and those people living along Marin Street between Alabama and Florida. However members have reported sex workers and johns conducting business in other parts of the neighborhood.

Unsafe Traffic Conditions

Across SVHN unsafe driving practices affect community neighbors negatively. From side shows to speeding SVHN is experiencing traffic conditions that make it unsafe to be a pedestrian, cyclist, or motorist. 

Residents across the hill are affected. However those who live or access areas around more heavily driven areas are at higher risk. Unsafe driving practices directly threaten the physical health as well as the general mental well being of community members. 

Unsafe Air Quality

Air quality in the SVHN is negatively affected on one side by heavy industry on Mare Island, and on the other side by heavy motorist activity along Sonoma Blvd., State Highway 29. At the same time community members are also threatened by air pollution from refineries in Benicia, Martinez, and Rodeo.

All residents are at risk of the negative health impacts of poor airquality. 

Improving City Park

GVRD has recently made some upgrades to the playstructure at City Park and opened the public bathrooms again. However, there is still more work to be done. In particular the renovation and reuse of the horseshoe area is left undone. 

STVN and other Vallejo community members who use and enjoy City Park.

Community Concerns Adjacent to the Neighborhood



Who does it affect?

Degradation of River Park

While River Park has been affected by trash and homeless encampments for years, recently the amount of waste, homeless encampments, and ATV/Motor Cross driving has increase significantly.

SVHN Residents that use River Park for walking, running, or cycling.